Sunday, January 25, 2009

January 25, 2009

And So My Learning Continues....

As many of you know my latest passion is to broaden my knowledge of technology and to experiment with new things that will allow me to grow both personally and professionally! I came to realize that if I was to be part of the 'age of technology' I had better 'get with the program' ! Yes, I can use the computer for numerous purposes, communicate through email, I set up an IM account when my girls went off to college, but I decided that wasn't enough!
It was time to try something new! And so my learning begins.....

As part of our church's effort to enter into the world of technology and use a multi-media approach to worship we made the decision to add a 'tech-team'! Our 'tech team' consists of middle school and high school students and adults who have been willing to volunteer their time and talents to put together a powerpoint each week for the morning worship service! guessed it! Here was my next challenge! I was determined to learn how to put together a powerpoint presentation and be part of the 'tech-team' ! Now, my children had learned how to do this when they were in school but I was starting from scratch! With the help of my youngest daughter, who was willing to save me when I struggled and ready to throw in the towel, I finally figured it out! My first powerpoint was ready for Sunday morning! Mind you, I forgot a few minor details, but I had completed my first powerpoint! So I have now prepared a few powerpoints and what used to take me 5-6 hours now only takes me 3! Everytime gets a little easier!
And so my learning continues.......

What was next????

The next challenge I took was to join the Plurk Learning Network for Educators! This was recommended to me by my friend, Rhonda! "Join Plurk!", she said. "You can learn so much and be part of a great group of supportive people that you can communicate with from all over the world. And it is fun" I was all about learning and growing and having fun so I finally gave in to my fear of the unknown and decided to give it a try! She was right! I am, once again, learning new skills, reading interesting articles and sharing in the professional and personal lives of folks I am getting to know through cyber-space! As part of my learning I have experimented with such simple things as changing my profile background to match the holidays, making my first Avatar and sharing an educational link or a family photo. It's amazing what I have learned from my new Plurk friends and, hopefully, in return, I have been able to offer something to them, as well!
And so my learning continues......

What was next????

Being a Mom of three girls between the ages of 15 -24 Facebook is a very familiar word in my house. They shared joys and sorrows, pictures and posts they had received from friends. In time I began to hear some of my own friends and co-workers talk about setting up their own Facebook accounts. Even my own Pastor has her own Facebook!! Was it time for me to do the same? Was I ready to become a 'Facebook Mom'? I put it off and avoided the challenge until Christmas vacation arrived and my daughter was home from college for the holidays! I mentioned that 'maybe I should have my own Facebook' and she said, 'let me set you up and get you started! I will be your first friend'! Before I knew it I was a new Facebook mom! My youngest daughter shared with me a 'flair' she read that said it all......

'The Ultimate Embarassment.....My Mom has a Facebook!'

and so my learning continues......

Well, I think that brings me up to date on the list of my latest accomplishments in the wide world of technology, so far! With the encouragement and guidance of my friends, co-workers and family and the successes I have had with each new challenge I have become more confident in my abililty to learn and grow in this unknown territory.

What will be next? Will it be video conferencing? Skyping with Oprah? Learning how to use a sound board? I have no idea where my desire to learn and grow will take me but.....

All I have to say is...... Bring It On!!!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

January 17, 2009

And So it Begins...... very first Blog!

I have just taken another step into the land of the! I have taken it upon myself, through the encouragement of my friends, co-workers, my children and my husband to continue to expand my bank of knowledge in this field. I am a 'hands-on learner' so much of what I learn is through experimenting and jumping in with both feet. This was my next challenge on the long road ahead of me! I am willing and I am ready! I have so much to learn and want to do best I can to be informed!

I am not an eloquent writer but thought it would be fun to have a place to share my photos and my thoughts as a mom, wife, friend and educator...not necessarily in that order! My first task is to figure out how to use my Blog and, hopefully, to share my photos from Photo52, my lastest photo challenge. It's not going to happen all at once we go!